How do wildfires affect the ecosystem?
How Wildfires Affect Ecosystems Fire is a natural occurrence that is both destructive and reconstructive. -See the related site below to see how it is beneficial to many plants. Although they can be expensive or deadly for humans, occasional wildfires increase habitat diversity and improve forage for most animals. Occasional fires also prevent larger, destructive wildfires from occurring; a lesser fuel load and green, wet growth discourage fire. Certain animals live specifically in freshly-burned areas, and burn zones are critical habitat for animals including hawks, owls, black-backed woodpeckers, and bluebirds, as well as all the grazing mammals that return as vegetation returns. Some vegetation begins emerging within a couple days of a fire, and plants and trees that have higher sunlight requirements benefit tremendously in the abundant sunlight..
A: All the unburned minerals in the ashes left over from the fire promotes new growth.