Who invented the personal computer?

You can’t really put the credit on just one or two people. One guy discovered electricity (B. Franklin) then another guy used this electricity to make the first micro chip. Then another guy made another part that can be found in a PC, till voila! You got one great invention that was pieced together over thousands of years by thousands of different guys!
Try making your question more specific, like: “Who (what company or what group of nerds 😛 ) was responsible for making the version [put version name here] of the PC?” OR “Who made [put name of computer part here] and when did they make it?”

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Or if you want to just get right to the point, Ed Roberts of MITS (Micro Instrumentation and Telemetry Systems–the company was founded to make telemetry equipment for model rockets, and its first successful product was a calculator) is considered the father of the personal computer. He designed the Altair 8800, which sold in kit form for about $400.

Now understand that a “computer kit” in the 1970s was far different from one today. If you were to “build your own computer” right now, you’d buy a big pile of prebuilt parts, put a premade operating system and premade programs on it, and be playing Doom within two or three hours. In the 1970s you got a printed circuit board with nothing soldered to it, and big bags of resistors, capacitors, integrated circuits and so on. And you better know how to read a resistor color code because that’s the only labeling you were going to get. Added bonus: it LOOKED like a computer, which computers don’t anymore.

The first general purpose computer was the Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer (ENIAC) it was unveiled February 14, 1946 and created by John Adam Presper Eckert Jr and John Mauchly for the purpose of calculating artillery firing tables. It was also able to be reprogrammed to solve a full range of computing problems.
DECADES LATER, Henry Edward “Ed” Roberts invented the first commercially successful personal computer in 1975.
== Answer ==

Alan turing

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