What was first microprocessor to make it into a home computer?

  • What is microprocessors do in computers?

    Microprocessors handle just about everything in computers. I’llbreak this down just a bit for you. For example:CPU: Central Processing Unit- This is the biggest “beef” of yourcomputer, and performs almost all of the calculations,instructions, and addressing necessary in order for a computer toactually “compute” or function. This dictates what data does, whereit goes, and how it is handled.Northbridge- The NB is built into the CPU on newerprocessors, but it traditionally was set on the motherboard. Thisis a microprocessor that handles memory addressing, and acts as aliaison between expansion slots and the CPU, particularly when itcomes to your RAM. This piece of hardware is also vital to acomputer, and computers do not function without some form of a NB.Microprocessor Controllers- Built into basically everything, theseminor processors control the function of smaller computer parts.Individual RAM modules have a controller on them, which tells thepart itself how to interpret data that comes to it. The sameapplies to Network Interface Cards, Hard Drives, Graphics Cards,USB Hubs, and essentially anything else that can be connected to acomputer.Guess you could say microprocessors are what make computerscomputers!

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