List the first aid procedures for snake bite?
What are first aid for snake bite? call 911 determine if poisonous snake or not; if poisonous, kill snake and keep it as a record
What are first aid for snake bite? call 911 determine if poisonous snake or not; if poisonous, kill snake and keep it as a record
What does a gopher snake eat? In the wild, their diet consists of small mammals, birds and eggs, lizards. They can also eat
What genus does the snakes belong? Snakes belong to the suborder serpentes, which is a large classification than a genus
The genus and species of a snake? There are about 456 genera and almost 3000 species of snake, so listing them here would
What is a large marine mammal called? The largest are cetaceans,which includes all whales.
Is person born year of the snake compatible in person born in year of the dragon? Being compatible has nothing to do with the year of your birth.
What does snakehead fish eat? It eats mainly live foods.such as worms,crustaceans,mosquito larva,small fish.
What is the life cycle of a snake? The life cycle of a snake consists of the egg stage, juvenile stage and adult stage. In some snake
What is the difference between a desert rat and a rat? A desert rat is a gerbil. A rat, is a rat. Also, desert rats live in the desert in Egypt.
Are there poisonous snakes and spiders in quebec? There is no poisonous snakes in Quebec, at least not in the wild. The one known poisonous snake
Are there any states without any snakes? Hawaii,Alaska,Vermont
What are the snakes‘ prey? Rodents such as mice, rabbits, gophers, prarrie dog, and rats are only a few animals snakes like
What are the types of snake? There are many snakes but I only the following Bull ,Grass ,Copper head ,Water moccasin
Can corn snakes eat moult grasshoppers? No ! Corn snakes eat rodents not insects !
Human eye and an owl eye difference? Owls eyes are bigger than ours. Also, their iris gets bigger
Can jellyfish lose their stinging cells? ). The cell (with or without the stinging sac) is then absorbed by the jellyfish. New stinging cells
Do snakes have eyelids? No, snakes don’t have eyelids. But, they do have moist invisible screens that act as shields
What snakes eat other snakes? source. Although, most snakes will eat another snake under the right conditions (if deprived of other
Are pythons the longest snakes in the world? Yes. Anacondas, members of the boa family and sometimes called water boas, are the largest snakes
Why are snakes good? They were unable to eat the forbidden fruits in Eden, so they have perpetual goodness.
How does the circulatory system of a snake work? The same way as other animals. Blood is pumped around the circulatory system by the heart. Blood passing through the lungs gets fresh oxygen and has carbon dioxide removed, and is then re-circulated around the snakes body.
How many eggs will a snake lay? Anywhere from 5 to 60 – depending on the species, size and health of the snake.
What did the Egyptians wear? As the climate is warm clothing was usually lightweight and made from linen. Silk was rare and only worn by the very rich. The men wore short skirts around their waists called kilts, while the women w
What snakes eat other snakes? source. Although, most snakes will eat another snake under the right conditions (if deprived of other
When did the giant garter snake become endangered? The giant garter snake has been listed as threatened, not endangered, with the state of California
Why are carpet snakes called carpet snakes? Carpet snakes skin is so colorful, just like a carpet.You cannot differentiate when the snake
Which snake is not poisonous? As far as I am aware, there is no such thing as a poisonous snake. Many snakes, however
What snakes give birth to live babies? No I think they lay eggs and then the eggs hatch. ^^ that’s true, but a lot of other snakes
What snakes eat other snakes? source. Although, most snakes will eat another snake under the right conditions (if deprived of other
How much do cheap snake bites cost? Cheap piercings are never good, good piercings are never cheap. You need to do some shopping around with your local studios to compare prices and what you get included with that price. But shop smart,
Were are snakes mostly found? with the exception of the polar regions, and a handful if islands, snakes are widespread across
What did ben Franklin do and how did ben Franklin act? Ben franklin acted like a civilized little boy and cared for his family very much but they very
How does a snake get its rattle? from the tail tip. Each time the snake sheds its skin, a new rattle segment is added. Newborn rattlesnakes
What is the summary of ghost trouble from ruskin bond children omnibus? The story is about a Pret , a mischievous ghost that got into the house from a peepal tree nearby and enjoyed playing pranks with everyone in the house. The family decided to leave the place and mo
What kind of snake lives in water? Most snakes are capable of staying underwater for periods of time. However, watersnakes and large
Were can you get a corn snake? Most pet storres carry them. I would recommend going to a Petco , PetSmart , or That Pet Place in Lancaster, PA. That Pet Place carrys almost everything!
How can a snake protect itself? Different species of snakes have different means of protecting themselves, but the most common
Do snakes have legs? Snakes do have legs. They are inside of them. They are vestigial structures, evolutionary leftovers.
How fast can a andiconda snake move? 15mph in top speed
What eats wolves and what do wolves eat? . Wolves hunt in packs to kill food like deer, sheep, and other big animals. They also eat rodents, rabbits
Is a King snake a relative of the prairie king snake? Lets see! Oh, I don’t know, even though it has king snake in it name!
How long does it take for a baby Betta to grow into an adult? Baby bettas are slow growers so it may take about a few months but not that long! But I recommend
Why don’t snakes have eyelids? Because they don’t feel like having eyelids.
Do snakes have eyes? Yes snakes have two eyes, but they do not have eyelids. A spectacle, a transparent scale
What foods does snake eat and how does it get food? small mammals, lizards, rats and small birds.
What animal eats the snake? other snakes, Hawks, Eagles, larger predatorial birds, wild cats, wolves, racoons, skunks and even
Are blind snakes blind? yes,some snakes are blind.they often kill their babies if they are blind.
What is the difference between a snake and a worm? Snakes are reptiles and have scales and a backbone, and also have teeth. Worms are not reptiles
How can a snake protect itself? Different species of snakes have different means of protecting themselves, but the most common
Why snakes are endangered? Snakes that have made the endangered list can always point to the same problem, loss of suitable
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