Can you use tree braches to help silk worms spin cocoon?
Why silk worm spin cocoons? The silk worm spins its cocoon in order to create a protective container in which it can carry
Why silk worm spin cocoons? The silk worm spins its cocoon in order to create a protective container in which it can carry
What did traders sell on the silk road? they got different iteams
Do drinking milk make your boobs grow? No. Breast growth is due to hormones and DNA. Milk is good for you, but it doesn’t influence breast
In China What Is Silk Road? The Silk Road, A Network Of Trade Routes Across The Asian Continent.
Why did the Chinese keep their silk making a secret? If you think about it, when the Romans and Persians first saw silk, they were so astounded
What did people trade to get silk on the Silk Road? \n . \n nuts, dyes, dried fruit, cloth, gold, grapevines, dates
What did china trade along the silk road? The Chinese traded silk, rice, and spices with tradesman along the Silk Road.
Is american airlines a good airline? American Airlines, operating as American Airlines (AA), This is the oldest Air Ways company
What effect did silk have on china? It made china a happier, silker, place.
Did the silk road have a money system? over time the payment methods changed, varying from silk as a monetary form of payment to paper
How is the silk road like the internet? it is dangerous , you can trade and/or buy goods, learn from each other
Did the silk road lead to constantinople? it did not lead to it, but one of the routes did start there. hope this helps.
Why did the mongols destroy the silk road? because they wanted to. thats why.
What did the silk road bring? A road that connected the Han and Qin dynasties
What effect did The Silk Road have on culture? It brought new materials, inventions, and ideas from China and Eastern Asia to the areas of India, Arabia, and Europe.
How do you know when a boy wants to make out with you? he will always smile at you, always have his body close to yours, and maybe even say it!! ohlala! 😛
Who traded on the silk road? Merchants traded on the silk road, that is how all of the other cultures got what they needed. Say
How was the silk road used? The Silk Road was used to trade in Ancient China
What city does the silk road does the silk road route start? Chang’an,China…. 🙂
How did the silk road change baking? it changed it by having more goods
Was the silk road covered with silk? no, the silk road was NOT covered with silk The “Silk Road” was the “road” which silk traveled
What was silk road in ancient China? The Silk Road was used for trading goods, such as silk, spices, china(vase), etc.
In China What Is Silk Road? The Silk Road, A Network Of Trade Routes Across The Asian Continent.
What size needles should you use for making a blanket? No specific size is necessary but the bigger the size needle, the easier it is to use. However
List of female violin players? Sarah Chang and Vanessa Mae
What are the things that was sold on the silk road? . In the bigger centers, trade would take place, silk for gold and that kind of thing. Once when grandma
What ideas were spread on the silk road? Many languages spread across the Silk Road, along with food and clothing and just all together
What is the food-producing process in plants? it is photosynthesis
Why does history change over time? , and how that changes over time. As the terms of the agreement between workers and managers, between laborers
What city does the silk road does the silk road route start? Chang’an,China…. 🙂
What landforms are along the silk road? some water and some desert
What landforms are along the silk road? some water and some desert
How do you access the silk road website? If you search Google for “Silk Road” the first link will be the official Silk Road website
Is Silk route and Silk road are same? Yes,the silk route, or road, is the route used by the Chinese to export silk n other things
What did Venice trade on the silk road? Gold coins, glass, glazier, grape vines, and alfalfa
What effect did The Silk Road have on culture? It brought new materials, inventions, and ideas from China and Eastern Asia to the areas of India, Arabia, and Europe.
How long would it take to travel to Mercury? Its ~77,000,000 km away at its closest point. The fastest speed ever achieved by a manned craft is 39,895 kph So about 80 days not accounting for Mercuries movement or fuel
What did people trade to get silk on the Silk Road? \n . \n nuts, dyes, dried fruit, cloth, gold, grapevines, dates
Who would travel the silk road? traders would travel and they sell silk for jerks!!!
What military technologies did the silk road spread? Chariot warfare, mounted bowman, and the stirrup.
What city does the silk road does the silk road route start? Chang’an,China…. 🙂
What city does the silk road does the silk road route start? Chang’an,China…. 🙂
When was the Silk Road road used most? The silk road was used most during the time of piece and prosperity. it was used mostly
How do you know that trade was very important to china? Well, trade is very important to everyone. Know one can survive without trade. everyone needs trade
What military technologies did the silk road spread? Chariot warfare, mounted bowman, and the stirrup.
When was the Silk Road Made? It was used about 3,000 years ago but no site seems to know when.
Who did the Chinese silk traders trade with? They traded with people from India, Tibet, Persia, and Mediterranean countries. They also traded with soldiers, nomads and whoever else happened to be on the road.
What city does the silk road does the silk road route start? Chang’an,China…. 🙂
What did people trade to get silk on the Silk Road? \n . \n nuts, dyes, dried fruit, cloth, gold, grapevines, dates
Why did they stop using the silk road? Because the use of ships came along and it was shorter and safer
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