Is Pears soap tested on animals?
What animals are tested on? fruit flies, monkeys, dog, cat, rat, mice, chimpanzee, alligators, birds, owls, zebras, horse,lizards, elk
What animals are tested on? fruit flies, monkeys, dog, cat, rat, mice, chimpanzee, alligators, birds, owls, zebras, horse,lizards, elk
How much does a pear tree cost? uk: £24.50 usa:$56.75
What fruit is nicknamed the alligator pear? Avocado
What type of tree is a pear tree? A pear tree is a fruit tree.
How many oz to a lb? In the avoirdupois measurement system, there are 16 ounces per pound. In the troy measurement system, there are 12 ounces per pound.
How many volts are in 12kilo volts? Kilo means 1000 so there are 12,000 volts in 12 Kilovolts
What is prickly pear cactus? A member of the Cactaceae (or cactus) family, prickly pear cactus, also known as nopal, grows
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