Can you get a lethal virus from touching an object that someone else has used ex-someone who has a lethal virus used the laptop and after that i did too?

What do you do when someone has used you? get over it – move on with your life – learn from your experience and don’t make\n the same mistake again. if you are young, you will find that the “pretty” people\n will always take advantage of you

Sony Vaio laptop’s volume keeps going up and down by itself and everytime it is restarted the laptop is good for 3 minutes then restarts all over again?

How do you turn off the beep when turning volume up or down on Sony VAIO laptop? Simply click on the speaker icon on the taskbar. Click on mixer, and mute system sounds. That doesn’t disable it completely, but it definitely gets rid of the annoying beep

Who invented the laptop computer?

There were many engineering refinements to the laptop concept. Here are some of the significant developments: The “clam shell” design which represents our modern laptop was created in 1979 by William Moggridge (a Briton) for GRiD Systems Corporation. GRiD’s Compass Computer entered the market in 1981. GRiD was acquired by Tandy Corporation in 1988. One … Read more


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