How much is a 1965 1 bill worth?
How much is a 1 dollar bill worth in Minnesota? Uh, Minnesota is a US state so a US $1 bill is worth exactly $1 there, the same as in all other US
How much is a 1 dollar bill worth in Minnesota? Uh, Minnesota is a US state so a US $1 bill is worth exactly $1 there, the same as in all other US
What is value of a series of 1928 twenty dollar bill? Answer . In circulated condition, it has little or no added value.\n . \n A nice crisp
Is there a US 50000 dollar bill? No. The largest circulating denomination ever printed was $10,000. A small number of $100,000 bills
What is on the US 5 dollar bill? of the US $5 bill. The reverse side shows a picture of the front of the Lincoln Memorial in Washington, DC
Are there any special silver certificates? . $10 dated 1880, 1886, 1891; 1934 yellow seal North Africa, and 1934-B blue seal . $20 dated 1878, 1880
Value of a 2001 10 bill? In perfect, uncirculated condition, a 2001 $10 US Dollar note is worth $20. In normal used
Who is face is on the US ten dollar bill? Andrew jackson . Alexander Hamilton (January 11, 1755 or 1757 — July 12, 1804) was the first sectary of treasury.
Where might you find rare US ten dollar bills? Unless you can find a stash in someone’s attic, it’s highly unlikely you’ll find one in change
What is the value of a 100 dollar star note? $100.00, UNLESS YOUR A COLLECTOR IT THEN MAY BE WORTH MORE TO THAT PERSON.
What is the weight of one million dollars in one dollar bills? Each bill, regardless of it’s denomination, weights one gram. So one million dollar bills would
What is the value of a 1950 b twenty dollar bill? Answer . Despite its age, it’s only worth face value in circulated condition. If it only
Are two dollar bills still legal tender? They’ve always been legal tender, but people usually keep them with the result
Who is in the 10 dollar bill in the front and back? The images are ON the bill, not IN the bill. Hold the bill very carefully. Look at each picture
What is the value of a hundred dollar bill with the Federal Reserve Bank of Chicago Illinois on it? The Federal Reserve has issued $100 bills for nearly a century, so a date is needed. Please post
What is on the back of a half–dollar coin? Several different reverses are depicted on the half dollar coin: . Flowing Hair, Draped Bust
What is the value of a 1935 Silver Certificate with a blue seal in fair condition worth? It depends on the letter, if any, next to the date. The letters run from A to H, so the best thing would be to look at a site such as the one linked below:
What is the value of a 1957 US 2 dollar silver certificate? , and the last $2 silver certificates were dated 1899.
What is the value of an A series US 1 dollar silver certificate? The series dates 1928, 1935, and 1957 all had second runs with an “A” series letter. Check
Why does some US paper money have red serial numbers? Because you have a United States Note, also known as a Legal Tender Note. Back before the US withdrew silver from its circulating currency, there were 3 main types of notes that circulated. Federal Re
What is the value of the silver that is in a silver dollar? Assuming you’re referring to a large (38 mm) dollar coin dated 1935 or earlier, these contain
What is the value of a 1934 l22296657c series ten dollar bill? a factor in its value and doesn’t help to ID it. What matters is the bill’s date, seal color, and whether
What is a 1928F red seal federal reserve note worth? All Federal Reserve Notes printed since 1928 have had green seals, while United States Notes
What is the value of a Series 1957 B Silver Certificate? Answer . Depending on condition, $1.50 to $3.00. Even though they’re no longer in circulation they’re quite common, I’m afraid. .
Why were silver certificate dollars made? as many dollars worth of silver certificates could be issued as there was silver on hand, which acted
What are US half dollars made of? Up to 1964 – 90% silver, 10% copper. 1965-1969 – 40% silver, 60% copper 1970 – not struck for circulation 1971-present – cupronickel “sandwich” alloy, the same as dimes and quarters.
What is the value of the B34323931 dollar bill? a bill or establish its value. Please post a new question with the bill’s date, its seal color
What does a thousand dollar bill look like? It is green but wants to know what it looks like.want to see a picture of one.
What was the value of a five dollar bill in 1934? In 1934, a $5 bill as worth 5 bucks. Today, you would need $81.80 to have the same buying power.
What does a 100 dollar bill from 1966 look like? Since graphics cannot be posted on this site, this will be an impossible question to answer.
Is 1977 five dollar bill worth anything? its a $5 bill, its worth $5
Who is on US 100 dollar bill? Benjamin Franklin
Does a 1977 100 dollar bill have a strip in it? No it doesn’t. The security strip wasn’t added until 1990.
What is a 1995 two dollar bill worth? It’s still worth 2 dollars.
Which denominations of US non-gold coins are no longer in circulation? Twenty-cent piece, Half-Dime, Three-cent piece, two-cent piece & the Half-cent.
What is the value of a 1952 US 2 dollar bill? The US didn’t print any $2 bills (or any other denominations, for that matter) dated 1952. Please
What is the value of 1935 Denver Mint silver certificate? in Washington (and, after 1993, also at Fort Worth), not in Denver. So, you either have a bill with a series
How do you know if dollar bills are fake or not? Fakes, copies, and facsimiles will have “Not Legal Tender” printed on them. Real US bills larger
What is the value of a Series 1934 US bill? denomination, seal color, and what letter if any is next to the date. Alternately your question may
What is the value of a 1963 E series 20 dollar bill? at the Federal Reserve District letter and not the series letter, which is always next to the date. Despite
What is the value of a 1929 50 dollar bill from the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco? Answer . In circulated condition, about $60\n . \n A nice crisp uncircyulated one, about $200
How much is a 1934 1000 dollar bill worth? $1250 if worn, up to maybe $1600 if in nearly new condition. Uncirculated ones retail for about $2000.
How much are US military bills worth? In a nutshell, the Active Duty Montgomery G.I. Bill (ADMGIB) grants $47,556 worth of education
What are silver certificate 1 bills worth? Please post a new question and include a date, the color of the seal, and the condition.
What is a dollar bill with a star at the end of the serial number worth? with a new note. A “star” note is used to replace the imperfect note. Reusing that exact serial number
What is the value of a two dollar bill with the serial number 03070023 A? Without knowing the series (date) and condition, the best possible answer for now is two dollars.
Are there any pennies that are worth more than face value? Old ones . Well, yes, but … Any US cents earlier than the mid-1950s may be worth at least 2
What is a 100.00 1882 gold certificate worth? The value of this note if it’s real could be very large.Please consult a qualified professional.There are many known novelty reproductions of this note out there.
How much is a series 1995 5 dollar bill worth? Unless it’s uncirculated, $5 bills dating back to the 1970s are only worth face value
What is the value of a 1934 A US 5 dollar silver certificate? 1934-series $5 silver certificates are identifiable by their blue seals and serial numbers, versus
How much is a pound of US 100 dollar bills worth? number) in one pound. Therefore, one pound of U.S. $100 bills would be worth about: $45,400!!!
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