What is 2 reais worth from brasil in us dollars?
Are US 2 dollar bills worth more than 2 dollars? Not unless you can find a collector. . Correction Yes, $2 bills dated 1976 and later are only
Are US 2 dollar bills worth more than 2 dollars? Not unless you can find a collector. . Correction Yes, $2 bills dated 1976 and later are only
How much is a 1988 one hundred dollar bill worth? Bills printed after 1969, especially high-denomination ones, are worth only face value if they’re
What is the value of a red seal one dollar bill series of 1917 with serial B44507929A? that a bill’s serial number doesn’t readily identify it. The date, series letter, and seal color are more
Silver dollar certificate value? I wood like to no what there worth, I have two 1957
What is the value of a Series 1957A dollar bill? in collections. In normal circulated condition, a 1957 series bill is worth at most $2 retail. If the bill
What is the value of a 1934 50 dollar Federal Reserve Note? Considered common, it has no significant value unless it reaches the absolutely perfect gem crisp
What is the value of a 1950 B US 50 dollar bill? Face value to $70, depending on condition. Despite their age, most series-1950 $50 bills
How much are 2 dollar bills with red writing on them worth? The red printing (not writing; bills are printed and not handwritten, LOL!) indicates
What is the value of a 100 bill 1990 Series? About $100 if it is bad condition. . If it was crisp, unused, or close to that, then you can sell
Why is Susan B. Anthony on the dollar bill? Uh, look again. That’s George Washington on the $1 bill, right?
What is value of 1957 E Silver certificate dollar bill? or a plate number. Regardless of series letter, this is one of the most common silver certificates available
What is the value of a 10000 dollar bill hologram? While the US did issue a 10,000 bill until the 1940s, it contained no hologram. Thus any 10,000
What is the value of the new 5 dollar bill? All urban legends to the contrary, the new purple and gray $5 bill is worth exactly $5. Rumors
What is the value of a U S 1957 1 silver certificate with a star before the serial number and a B? A silver certificate star-note would normally be worth around $5 or so, depending on how worn it is.
What is the value of a silver certificate dollar bill? Usually its value is $1 but it also depends on the condition, and date of the certificate. Silver
How many 100000 dollar bills are in circulation? None. And never have been. The $100,000 bill was intended only to be transferred between Federal
Who is on a US fifty-dollar bill? Ulysses S. Grant is on the U.S. fifty dollar bill. . A portrait of Ulysses S. Grant , the 18th
How much is a five dollar bill with a blue seal worth? Please post a new question with the bill’s date. If there is a small letter under the date, include
How much are 2 dollar bills worth? Anywhere from $2 for 99.9% of 2 dollar bills, but a brand new one from 1899 is about $3,000. plus
How much are 2 dollar bills worth? Anywhere from $2 for 99.9% of 2 dollar bills, but a brand new one from 1899 is about $3,000. plus
What is the value of a 1969 US 100 dollar bill? Despite its age, a 1969 $100 bill isn’t considered to be rare. As of 11/2010, values are around
What is a 1963 5 bill with a red seal and a star worth? , a circulated non-star 1963 $5 U.S. note sells for face value to $7 so I would not expect to value a similar
What is the value of a 1923 US 1 dollar silver cert? The value is based on the condition, serial number, and signers. Most are worth about $25
How much is a peso worth in the US? One peso is about 0.08 cents. No one knows for sure, with the economy and all, but still
Did they make two dollar bills in 1935? No. Small-size US $2 bills have the following series dates US Notes: 1928, 1953, 1963 Federal
Is the dollar with the star worth money? It’s probably worth about a dollar. eBay is your friend. Search around there and see how much
How much is a silver dollar certificate worth? Depends on the year, series, serial number and condition, but common ones generally sell
How much is 1957 silver certificate K? , or a small A or B. However, regardless of whether you have a 1957, 1957A, or 1957B bill, all
What is the value of a 100 bill 1990 Series? About $100 if it is bad condition. . If it was crisp, unused, or close to that, then you can sell
What is the value of a 100 dollar bill? It depend on the country the bill is from and what its date is. Please post a new, separate
How much is a crisp 1969 100 us bill worth? If it’s uncirculated, it might retail in the $130 to $140 range. If it’s circulated but in almost-new condition its value drops to about $105.
What is the value of a 1950 A US 50 dollar bill? In average condition, face value only. If almost like new, it might retail for up to $70.
What is the value of a US 1 dollar bill? Please post a new question with enough information to better ID the bill: Specifically: What date is it? What series letter, if any, is next to the date? What is its seal color? You DON’T have to post its serial number as that usually doesn’t … Read more
What is the value of silver certificates? Please post a new question and include the denomination, seal color, and condition of the bill. Please do not include the serial number.
How much is a million dollar bill worth? Million-dollar bills are an urban legend. Since the US has never printed a $1,000,000 legal
When was the first quarter engraved? US coins are not engraved, they are made with dies. The first was in 1796.
What is the value of Australian 1 dollar note? It is worth exactly one Australian dollar, unless the note is somehow rarer or worth more
What is the value of a 1914 US 5 dollar US bill? Answer . If it has a blue seal, retail is $40 to $70 in circulated condition, about $100 if uncirculated. If it has a red seal, $200 to $300 if circulated, $1200 uncirculated.
What US paper money is rarest? Probably the 100,000 dollar bill banks used to use, but the 2 dollar bill you can find pretty easily. it’s kinda rare.
What is the value of the new 5 dollar bill? All urban legends to the contrary, the new purple and gray $5 bill is worth exactly $5. Rumors
How much is a 1934 1000 dollar bill worth? $1250 if worn, up to maybe $1600 if in nearly new condition. Uncirculated ones retail for about $2000.
Why are there only 26 states on the back of a 5 dollar bill? of a $5 bill is in 2 dimensions, not 3, so it can only show the parts of the Memorial that are visible
Value of a 2.00 bill dated 1928? \n ok i bought one $2.00 bill 1928G CRISP for around $18, so depending on the condition, $3~20
Is there a 100 dollar coin in the US? note: In the 1870s George T. Morgan, designer of the Morgan dollar, proposed minting a $100
WHAT is the value of a 1 dollar bill from the 1950′s? You need to supply more information, including the bill’s condition and series letter. In general
WHAT is the value of a 1 dollar bill from the 1950′s? You need to supply more information, including the bill’s condition and series letter. In general
WHAT is the value of a 1 dollar bill from the 1950′s? You need to supply more information, including the bill’s condition and series letter. In general
What is a clean bill certificate? Yea, That is the certificate you will need to have your large fund released. Is legal and authentic
What is a one dollar silver certificate printed in England worth? England uses pounds sterling, not dollars, and has never printed silver certificates
What is the value of a Series 1935f silver certificate? certificate series bearing that date. If circulated, it might be worth 2 or 3 dollars.
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