What are the different joing stitches?
The different types of stitches in sewing? single stitch, running stitch, cover and over lock stitch!!!!!!! 🙂 :¬)
The different types of stitches in sewing? single stitch, running stitch, cover and over lock stitch!!!!!!! 🙂 :¬)
What are fabrics and how many types of fabrics are there? Fabrics are what materials (like cotton, wool, silk, etc.) are fabricated into (like denim, velvet
How do I pass slipped stitch over? Insert your left needle tip into the stitch to be slipped, and pull it over the last stitch made
Who discovered safety pin? Walter Hunt received US patent #6,281 on April 10, 1849 for a Dress-Pin. The safety pin was one
How do you get a sewing machine to work? plug it in, thread it, thread the bobbin through the needle, turn it on, put material under the pressed foot, put the pressed foot down, press the foot lever down and watch ur fingers!
Is sewing machine a complex machine? version, sewing has become easier than back in the days, no more pedals:)
How much is a Kenmore Sewing Machine model 158.13360 sewing machine worth? or model. Ninety-nine percent of these older, electro-mechanical sewing machines aren’t worth anything
What fabrics are suitable for children’s toys? polo fleece, flannelette, drill
What are sewing pins used for? Pins are typically used to hold fabric in place prior to sewing, especially when hemming a dress
Who invented sewing machine and how it was invented? The earliest inventor of a mechanical sewing device was probably Charles Weisenthal, a German
How much is a Kenmore Sewing Machine model 117-3051 worth? or model. Ninety-nine percent of these older, electro-mechanical sewing machines aren’t worth anything
What year was Kenmore sewing machine model 1931 manufactured? I still own and operate my Kenmore Sewing Machine, Model Number 1931 (158.19310
How old is old? For humans, old is usually when you are 2/3 through your expected lifespan. Subjectively, someone
What is sewing equipment? to bring all the equipment you need, like a sewing machine, extra bobbins, cutter and cutting board
What is the value of a 1946 sewing machine? Before that can be answered, we would need to know the make and model of the sewing machine.
How much is a Kenmore Sewing Machine model 117-3051 worth? or model. Ninety-nine percent of these older, electro-mechanical sewing machines aren’t worth anything
How do you sew satin hem without puckering? to sew in. Using the correct directional sewing will prevent puckering.
Do people still use hand sewing machine’s? To the best of my knowledge people still use hand sewing machines
What are temporary stitches? Temporary stitches, sometimes called “basting stitches” are stitches used to hold fabric in place
Does the Ellisimo embroidery and sewing machine have a built in stitch regulator? No, it does not.
What year singer sewing machine with serial number 032631260? There were no serial numbers beginning with the letter O, and the largest serial number without
How much is a Kenmore Sewing Machine model 158.18023 worth? (tower of trays)of accessories including the buttonholer with template, tray of sewing feet, attachments
What year was Kenmore sewing machine model 1400 made? I have one. I bought it about 1968. It was new then.
Who makes janome sewing machines? Janome of Japan make their own sewing machines, with divisions in United States, Canada, Mexico
Is the needle used in sewing as same as the needle used in cross stitch? Not as a general rule. When sewing, I usually use a ‘sharp’ needle . . . that is, a needle
Where are Kenmore sewing machines made? KENMORE is just a Brand name used by Sears. They CONTRACT with other companies to manufacture
What is pH 7.2? Blood has a pH close to 7.2, however, pH literally means -log [H+]. 7.2 indicates a slightly
What size needles should you use for making a blanket? No specific size is necessary but the bigger the size needle, the easier it is to use. However
Does plain Tylenol make you relaxed? Tylenol is an anti-inflammatory, pain killer, and fever reducing NSAID. Tylenol can make you sleepy
Where can you find maxine fabric? There will be a group of Maxine fabrics coming out in May 2010. Two feature comic blocks showing Maxine and her outspoken comments. They’re available through www.favoritefabric.com . They’re in stock at www.craftconn.com, with cartoon squares and Maxine bubbles, and a fabric that just says Blah Blah Blah. She … Read more
Where can you find Kenmore Manual for 385.19153690 sewing machine? and it will go to your manual. P.S. To those who are looking for Kenmore manuals, you can find most of the 158
What is the value of your singer sewing machine serial number ACo37158? dinoausros differt
What year is a Kenmore sewing machine with the serial? 0020702
Why do fabric stores drape fabric? When the fabric stores receive the fabric on the bolt, the fabric is wrapped right side in. To show
US machinist who invented the sewing machine in 1846? Lewis Frank
What does quote on quote mean? “Quote unquote” is a phrase used to place verbal quotation marks around the following word, usually
How many world-banks are there in the world? there are 100,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 world
What is the measurement of a king size comforter? They vary depending on the size an age of the mattresses. There are 2 sizes of king beds, standard
Where are Kenmore sewing machines made? KENMORE is just a Brand name used by Sears. They CONTRACT with other companies to manufacture
Why was the safety pin called the safety pin? the refridgerator.
What type of fabrics does collette dinnigan use? luxurious fabrics
What is an alright price for a sewing machine? to intermediate seamstress, $100 (in the US) will usually get you a pretty nice sewing machine that will last
Where can you get a free manual for Kenmore sewing machine model 385-1764180? where you can order manual. I’m not sure you’ll be able to find one for free anywhere though. Unless you happen
What are the advantages of computer aided design and computer aided manifaturing? its simple to use and understand.
What is a singer sowing machine worth? a 1928 treadle singer can fetch upto £1000-£1500 bet you wherent expecting that
What is a cross stich? Cross stitch is just with a needle and very skinny yarn, when you make a project you form an X with the yarn for each square, or whatever shape
Value of sears Kenmore sewing machine model 117-959? my Kenmore 158.523 zig zag. This is a lovely machine, lavender-silver and cream. Strong, fast 1.2amp motor
How much is a Kenmore Sewing Machine model 158.13360 sewing machine worth? or model. Ninety-nine percent of these older, electro-mechanical sewing machines aren’t worth anything
What is the function of the hand wheel on the sewing machine? The hand wheel on a sewing machine is primarily used to raise the needle in order to feed or remove
How do you thread a sewing machine needle? Most of the newer machines show the eye of the needle in the front, so you should thread from front
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