Amateur radio came in India?
When did radio came to India? In British India, broadcasting began in June 1923 with programmes by the Radio Club of Bombay
When did radio came to India? In British India, broadcasting began in June 1923 with programmes by the Radio Club of Bombay
What is amateur radio? by voice, Morse code, or even by computers. You need a license to transmit on the amateur bands (radio
What is digital signal and how its different then analog signals? Digital signals have discrete encoded states that they switch between. They can only assume
What is the Difference between time – division multiplexing and frequency division multiplexing? In time-division multiplexing, the carrier is switched between various signals at defined moments
How do loud speakers help us? \n they are louder, and the sound travels further
Why do revolution occur around the world? The main reason is avarice that is a group of people in search of power is armed by a wealthy outside country in order to gain power over raw materials or to gain military advantage in the general are
What does 5242 mean in police scanner codes? It means they have triangulated a person who is listening in on their radio.
How was life in the 1400s compared to life today? bleak
Advantages and disadvantages of using a vero board? It is cheaper
What is a RF amplifier? A RF amplifier is a device for electrically amplifying the power of an electrical signal, typically
What does amateur mean in amateur radio? It means radio that is done as a hobby, and doesn’t earn money or material reward in any way.
What are interesting facts? Example: sometimes (it is a very rare phenomenon) a boy is born with no testicles, with one testicle or with three testicles. Example: some persons believe that they are created by a god. Exampl
What color are radio fuses? Answer . Look in your owner’s manual or on the fuse panel to see the correct amperage rating for the fuse. The fuse itself will have the amperage rating, but it is possible that someone (at one p
What is ham radio? In the US, Ham Radio is the Amateur Radio Service licensed by the FCC. It is a not for profit
Do microwaves have high or low energy? both whoever put both is sooo stupid
What is a zenith trans oceanic radio model l-600 worth? It is worth whatever any one person, or group of persons, is actually willing to pay you, in currency, for a change of possession.
When was the first mission built in San Diego? The first mission in San Diego was built in July 16th, 1769.
What is a zenith trans oceanic radio model l-600 worth? It is worth whatever any one person, or group of persons, is actually willing to pay you, in currency, for a change of possession.
What is the use of ham radio? Although a ham radio does broadcast in all directions, hams generally do not use their radios
What is The best amp? If your talking about a car amplifer, id go with rockaford fosgate. Expensive, but people who have sound competitions use that specific brand most of the time.
What are the bands in radio frequency spectrum? Purely arbitrary, but the most common division is by wave-length. i.e. 1 meter, 2 meter, etc
Can you use a cb radio antenna for am-fm radio? receiving between 0.5-1.6 MHz, whereas FM is coming to you at 88-108 MHz. The CB antenna is designed
What are the ship master overriding authorities? Master has overriding authority with regards to safety of the persons on board, safety of the ship
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