Why do you suppose to douche?
What can a douche bag do? A douche bag is, in simple terms, a bag of liquid which women use to clean their vagina
What can a douche bag do? A douche bag is, in simple terms, a bag of liquid which women use to clean their vagina
What is normal cholesterol levels for a 18 year old female? a minimum or 40mg/DL and highest of 200mg/DL of LDL’s, bad cholesterol but I’m not sure about HDL’s, good cholesterol…but that’s good for you so have lotss Its 5mmol/L but i don’t know what that me
My ovary is 4.6cm. Is that large for an ovary? Normal ovaries are 3-5 cm long, so yours is within the normal range.
What to do when you have a yeast infection? Avoid sex, keep your vagina dry all the time, avoid tight clothing, avoid perfumed soap and see a doctor for medication.
What is in the uterus? Uterus or womb-its were the baby develops until labor.
Could breast sucking cause breast pain or lump? ! But, to answer your question it could cause pain if they suck too hard, or a hickey, but I’m not sure about the lumps
Can bacteria vaginosis cause hiv? Bacterial vaginosis can not cause HIV, contracting the virus is what gives people people a positive
Can the morning after pill cause fishy discharge? No, but you’re describing the main symptom of bacterial vaginosis. See your health care provider for an exam and treatment.
Smelly odor coming from you? if you ar connor page,then this smell comes from you all the time.
What is in the uterus? Uterus or womb-its were the baby develops until labor.
What happens to ovaries and eggs after menopause? THE OVARIES Dr.Bindu.K BHMS,MD(Hom) . Each ovary measures about 35mm in length, 25mm in width
How do you get bacterium vaginosis? Answer . Wiping the wrong way, putting something in there that is contaminated…
How big will my boobs be if my mom has small boobs? Well, my moms boobs are an average size, 34C, but my dads sister, (and mom and every other girl
Do females ejaculate an pee out of the same hole? Yes, both pee and ejaculate come out of the urethral opening. Ejaculate does not come
What carries the eggs cells from the ovaries to the uterus? Only natural blood flow
IS Student life better or Adult life? if it was a debate,it would mostly be student life because a child can enjoy his or her’s life
What is the singular form of labia minora? Labium Minora
Do breast grow during your period? yes, they will grow alot
How much does a teachers aide earn in New Jersey? Median annual earnings of teacher assistants (Aides) in May 2006 were $20,740. The middle 50 percent earned between $16,430 and $26,160. The lowest 10 percent earned less than $13,910, and the highest
How much does a cardiologist surgeon make? 80,00-100,000 per yr
How do you choose a surgeon for breast implants? Answer . \n When choosing a surgeon for breast implantation, the FDA recommends that you find
What is the pulse rate for a 62 yr old female? and certain conditions can raise and lower your normal pulse rate. Additionally, people who are very
How big is a 5.7 cm cyst I need it compared to something? It’s 2,2 inches. Kind of the same size of a clementine.
Does Allopurinol cause yellow urine? As far as I know, it does not. Allopurinol is the generic name for Zyloprim. Here are the possible side effects for Zyloprim/allopurinol: http://www.rxlist.com/zyloprim-drug.htm
How does a cyst occur? a cyst can be occur due to various reasons,it may occur due to the following reasons:1.it may occur
What are the most common forms of cancer in women? Answer . colon, breast, and lung cancer
The ovaries produce? The ovaries produce Ova (about 2 million, only 400,000 make it to puberty) Estrogen (female sex
What does it mean if a guy says you are tight? that you are stingy with money. . It means that vaginally-speaking, you are not “loose” . Tight used to mean “drunk
What are symptoms? A symptom is a sign of something, usually not good. For instance, a fever, runny nose, and sore
Symtons of diabetes? For type 1 Very thirsty, frequent urinating, dry mouth, bad breath, loss of weight, mood swings, feeling crappy with no energy.
What can happen if athlete’s foot is not treated? can spread to the soles of the feet and toenails. Stubborn toenail infections may appear at the same time, with crumbling, scaling and thickened nails, and nail loss. The infection can spread further
How do you cause a miscarrige? By nature or accident. If you mean having a miscarriage on purpose that would be a induced miscarriage aka abortion. You have to see a doctor for that.
How do you get cervical cancer? Cervical cancer is caused by human papilomavirus virus, or HPV, usually spread through unprotected
If you think your pregnant what can i do not to have the baby? \n One thing you can do to not have the baby, even if it is immoral is to have an abortion.
What age do women stop their periods? between the age of 45 -55
What to do when you have a yeast infection? Avoid sex, keep your vagina dry all the time, avoid tight clothing, avoid perfumed soap and see a doctor for medication.
What is the ICD 9 code for adnexal cyst? 621.8
Is it normal to have your period for 3 weeks? Answer . \n No, it is not normal to have your period for 3 weeks. You should see a doctor.
What is the entrance of the uterus called? It is called the cervix. In a woman who has never had a baby, it is not at all ‘dilated’ (open
Does he think of you when you think of him? Probably, it depends on how long you two have been going out. If you have been going out for a long time then yeah, and if you weren’t going out for that long then probably no; i don’t know ask th
What is a tube that leads from an ovary to the uterus? It’s called a fallopian tube. It attached from the ovary to the uterus, it’s where the eggs travel
What is a streptococcal infection? Streptococcal (strep) infections are communicable diseases that develop when bacteria normally
How do you stop a pregnancy during a pregnancy? Abortion is the only option. (but that option is only open for a certain amount of time, you cant do it once your too far along)
Can men contract bacterial vaginosis? A man cannot get bacterial vaginosis, mainly because he does not have a vagina, but the same
Can men contract bacterial vaginosis? A man cannot get bacterial vaginosis, mainly because he does not have a vagina, but the same
What is the meaning to know what you know and what you do not know is the characteristic of one? I’ll take a stab at it: This seems to mean that it is a high order of knowledge to have a sense of the limits of one’s knowledge. Being ‘smart’ and ‘informed’ or ‘savvy’ is … Read more
What causes vaginitis? It is usually caused by a bacterail infection, however sometimes it can be a symptom of an STD.
What can you do to help prevent bacterial infection? Maintain excellent hygeine standards, including handwashing. Aside from that, there isn’t much else you can do.
Can a man catch bacteria vaginosis? Answer . No, a man cannot catch bacterial vaginosis, however it is seldom seen in a monogomous
What is the difference in signs and symptoms between bacterial vaginosis and candidiasis? BV symptoms: fishy odor especially after sex or after using soap, little or no itching, possible pelvic discomfort candidiasis symptoms: yeasty odor if noticed at all, itching prominent, possible bur
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