How do you know when you’re addicted to something?
How do you know when you are addicted to something? have a departure from the drugs and cause them a medical problem, which they’ll need help for. So if your addicted
How do you know when you are addicted to something? have a departure from the drugs and cause them a medical problem, which they’ll need help for. So if your addicted
What do yellow warblers eat? Warblers are normally insect eaters, and some small fruits. Will eat suet at feeders, even peanut butter spread on tree bark.
What makes a smartphone a smartphone? It has features that regular phones do not have, such as fast web browsing, advanced media, and stores like the Apple app store/iTunes, ovi, blackberry world, and Android Market.
Why is bodybuilding so addictive? Bodybuilding, especially for people with poor self-esteem, is highly rewarding. You get measurable results from measurable effort, a sense of control, and the endorphin highs associated with any form
Why did a hero become a hero? Well, first of all, they could become a hero because they saved someones life. They could be a hero
How is food addicting? If your under a lot of stress, you sometimes turn to food for comfort, and it starts a habit. Or you just like to eat.
Can you be addicted to a person? It depends on the visible features combined with her attitude towards certain principles.No mercy to rascals and be good. . Museum is OK.National Museum.Gallery is OK.And so on.Very boring.Nothing Spe
Long term side affects of diabetes? Blindness, loss of feelings in the nerves, kidney problems, loss of feelings in the legs, so you become disabled. etc.
What were patience wright’s siblings names? Sisters: Rachel, Deborah, Rezine, Anne, Sarah, Martha, Mary, and Elizabeth. Brother:
What is an addiction? The need to do, want or consume something so much that it controls you or the way you live. Usually reaches unhealthy levels. a problem with your brain that requires chemotherapy to fix the chees
Can vinegar clean methadone from urine? No, vinegar will not clean methadone from urine.
Is being addicted to the internet same as being addicted to smokeing? Yes and no. Same idea, different situation, obviously. When you’re addicted to the Internet
Will mucinex dm get you high? Yes it will. You might puke or get diarrhea, though. Take about 6-10 pills, and you’ll be tripping. It makes you feel so good. It might be really intense, though. Use with caution! Make sure you are r
What are the health risks to individuals who smoke? Basically it’s chronic respiratory compromise. (Chronic bronchitis, emphysema, and frequent low-grade infections)
What happens when the skin gets no blood? When areas of skin are completely deprived of any blood flow, and therefore of any oxygen delivery
Do birds commit self harm? Yes, they can. I had a peach front conure who, not once, but twice chewed a hole in her leg
What is isn’t and what isn’t is? isn’t is the opposite of is, meaning it is not. Is isn’t isn’t, a tree, a cat…..etc
What are the side affects of cannabis? to being in high, minor paranoia can still easily strike. . Other very common side effects are: Munchies
Is all human behavior the result of learning and conditioning? No, that is only part of the equation. Human behavior is genetic, learning and I am not too sure
How long does seconds hand THC stay in your system? Depends on how much, if you didnt really feel it probsaly none
What is a white box? It is a computer system that has been made from parts, as opposed to ‘corporate systems’ (dell, acer, HP etc).
What is nicotene? a harmful chemical in a cigarette
Who makes Levi garret chew? Conwood Company, the same company who makes grizzly and kodiak.
Why is blood in your urine? Well, it could be a sign of your first period. But if this happened after your period if could be a urinary infection. But just to be sure check with your parents, a expert in health, or a docter
What causes brain damage? Brain damage, can result from trauma to the head following an accident.
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