Why are inspections of food service operations important?
Why is water important in food service? wash, cook, clean
Why is water important in food service? wash, cook, clean
Is it safe to use makeup past its expiration date? of course it is darling. of course you sh*t head were you born in retard land
What Are 10 personal life safety rules? No one can really answer this for you. This all depends on the person. Ask, anybody and they will eventually tell you the same. Everyone is different, therefor they have different values and life expe
Is it safe to eat your poop? No, it is not safe to eat your poop, or feces. This can be dangerous because it is toxic. If eaten
Can a baked potato left out all night still be eaten? A potato left too long will turn brown, but it will make nice hash browns for breakfast. A RAW
How long is a bowling ball lane? A bowling lane is 60 feet long from foul line to the center of the headpin, and 62 feet 10 inches
Can humans be eaten by other humans? Yes, people can each each others. In the times when migrations, people ran out of food, and there were nothing left to eat. So they just started killing people fo r their meat and proteins.
Is their any food food interactions? No Food is an inanimate edible substance, therefore it can’t not obtain speaking abilities.
What foods are irradiated? red meat, poultry, fresh fruits and vegetables, dry spices, seasonings, and enzymes
What is bacterial food contamination? Bacterial food contaminations runs a long gamut. From E.Coli, Salmonella, and many more
What are the benefits of coca cola? Tastes nice, keeps you awake, good marinade for chicken, you can leave a tooth in it overnight to dissolve.
The importance of food sanitation? Food sanitation, especially when working with raw meats, is crucial. Raw poultry products and eggs
Any foods to avoid during pregnancy? You should avoid non pasterized foods, foods high in nitrates like cold cuts, some shellfish, all
Is it safe to eat clam chowder out of the can? Yes it is safe to eat, presuming the clam chowder is still within it’s best before date, although
Can you eat barbecue that was out 6 hours? No, it surpasses the 2 hour window of food safety.
Are Bones for dogs safe to eat? . It’s just not worth it. There are all sorts of safe bone options at pet stores, and even in the pet supply
Is it safe to eat canned cream of potato soup past the expiration date? the expiration date, even if it still looks fresh, because expiry dates are there for a reason. To prevent food
What do you call food ate by other person? Their food.
Safe to eat fish frozen for 2 years? Probably safe, but it would taste terrible.
Can I be stuffed? No, not literally, like a stuffed-animal would be. But, you can be stuffed as in, the expression
What keeps things colder plastic wrap or aluminum foil? out of you when you touch them). If the object is cold to begin with, plastic wrap, as it is a poor donductor
Is it safe to eat canned cream of potato soup past the expiration date? the expiration date, even if it still looks fresh, because expiry dates are there for a reason. To prevent food
Which food are high risk foods? Food high in carbs, preservatives, sugar, fat, and sodium.
Are eggs safe to eat one day after the buy by date? One day after and you should be ok, but I wouldn’t suggest you do it, as you are still taking
What is irradiated food. What government agency regulates irradiated food? Irradiated food is food that has purposely been exposed to ionizing radiation to kill of microbes, bacteria and fungi. This makes the application useful for hospital diets, where the patients may be at specific risk from extraneous microbes and bacterias. This also makes the food … Read more
Which food are high risk foods? Food high in carbs, preservatives, sugar, fat, and sodium.
Why food safety hygiene and sanitation important in preparing food? food sanitation & safety is important in preparing food because when your hand are dirty
Why is cooked pasta a high risk food? Cooked pasta is a high risk food, like: poultry, eggs, cooked rice and etc. simply because bacteria
Is chicken safe to eat 4 days after sell by date? I called Kroger and talked to the butcher and he said no. I noticed that Kroger has a sell by date and a stamp on the package said use or freeze by the same date , so he was probably right.
Principle of critical–point control? In Control function of Management, Critical control point (CCP) is a point, step or procedure
How is garbage a hazard to food safety? Hmm, garbage… 1. Bacteria 2. Bugs 3. Germs 4. Things decomposting where you’re trying to cook is generally not a good thing. 5. It’s just plain gross!
What is a food hazard? Beads, flags, poison, and Mario are just some of them
What are the steps you can take to help you meet your personal health goals? Gain awareness, gain knowledge, and build a healthy setting. Hope it helps
How does salting foods prevent food spoilage? Most bacteria, which cause food spoilage, cannot tolerate the high salinity. The salt draws
Do uniforms cause problems to school? their economics in their clothes when they go to school. Also, at schools with a lot of violence, not wearing gang
Definition of safe food handling for servers? is when the food is protected with guns, it makes it safe, a bulletproof vest is also helpful
Is it safe to eat the eggs of a hen who eats Amprolium? the amprolium any more, so are switched to unmedicated feed. Hens typically don’t start laying until twenty
What are the ways you can serve others as Christians? By helping those in deep need, such as the homeless, the hungry, etc.
What do a cat eat and how much do a cat eat? a healthy adult cat can eat dry or canned food in the pet section of wal-mart, hyvee, ect. and only
Is chicken safe to eat if left out for 3 hours? Depending on where it was left. If you’re talking on a plate, on a worksurface away from animals
What is the food safety act of 1995? , no person shall keep any food- (a)which is likely to support the growth of pathogenic micro-organisms
Is it important to have food hygiene and safety? you are eating. Without food safety you could cut yourself, make a fire, or hurt another person
How much protein is safe to eat? , if you weigh 135# you should eat 135 gms of protein.
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