How does the importance of being earnest use Aristotle’s 6 elements of drama?
What are the 6 elements of drama? plot,character,theme,diction,music.spectacle
What are the 6 elements of drama? plot,character,theme,diction,music.spectacle
How Aristotle classified the forms of Government? Aristotle classified six forms of political constitution: tyranny, monarchy, oligarchy, aristocracy
What were the fields of Aristotle? Aristotle wrote on many topics, such as politics, poetry, physics, astronomy, biology
Who are the philosophers socrates Plato and Aristotle? . Wrote nothing. PLATO: Ancient Greek, student of Socrates, most influential philosopher of all time
What were Aristotle’s major contributions? physics and astronomy
What is a tragedy according to Aristotle? The audience of a tragedy should feel fear that the fate of the tragic hero could be theirs, too.
What did Aristotle influence? Aristotle influenced all of Western society, considered one of the greatest philosophical minds
Was Aristotle buried next to his wife? Yes.
Who is Aristotle’s family? was Arimnestus . Aristotle was probably the youngest. He also had two children. They were a girl and a boy.
What did aristotle describe the triangle shaped plot as? Beginning, middle, and end.
Write about Aristotle? Aristotle a greek scientist,is considered as the father of biology. before him , the knoladge
What are the similarities between Aristotle and Ptolemy? They both thought the earth was in the center of the universe.
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