- DOS uses CLI (command line interface), whereas Windows used GUI
(graphical user interface).. - DOS does not support networking, Windows does..
- DOS is a single user OS, Windows is Multiuser..
- DOS is a single tasking OS, Windows is Multitasking..
- Dos is a single threading OS, Windows is a
Multithreading.. - DOS supports 2 GB of maximum partition size, Windows supports 2
TB or more.. - DOS uses FAT 16 file system, Windows uses FAT 32..
- Server administration is not possible in DOS..
DOS is the system that runs your PC. Windows was created as a GUI
(graphical user interface) making the running of your computer much
Ultimately, the difference between these types of programs is who
has control over the computer. DOS programs generally expect
themselves to be the only program running on your computer, so they
will directly manipulate the hardware, such as writing to the disk
or displaying graphics on the screen. They may also be dependent on
timing, since the computer won’t be doing anything else to slow
them down. Many games fall into this category.
Windows programs, on the other hand, realize that they must share
your computer with other Windows programs. Actually, did you know
that Windows 3.x itself is a DOS program? What this means is that
Windows has control of the computer’s hardware, and in turn it
shares parts of the computer’s resources with Windows programs. The
obvious advantage to this arrangement is that you can do several
things at once; for example, you could play Beethoven’s 5th, start
downloading a file from a BBS, then look at your checking account
and use a Calculator to check the balance all at the same time.
Another advantage is that you can share data between programs; for
example, copying a spreadsheet summary into a work processor
The important thing here is that many DOS programs will run poorly
or not at all in Windows. For example, if you try to run Microsoft
System Diagnostics (MSD) while you are in Windows, you will get the
You are running Microsoft Windows.
MSD can only report information specified by it’s associated
Windows Program Information File (.PIF). Therefore information
presented may be less accurate or complete than if MSD is run
outside of Windows. For more accurate information please exit
Windows and run MSD from the MS-DOS prompt.
Some areas may be affected while MSD is run under Windows: Memory
values and types will reflect what Windows provides by itself, and
through the associated .PIF file; IRQ values may be reported
differently; and the visual memory map in Memory, Memory Block
Display, and Memory Browser may show different results. Other areas
that may be affected include Video, OS Version, Mouse, Disk Drives,
and COM Ports.
So how do you know whether a program is made for DOS or Windows?
Nearly all Windows programs bear the Microsoft Windows logo
Microsoft Windows compatible, while DOS programs do not. If you’re
still not sure, try running the program from the DOS prompt first.
For example, type calc at a DOS prompt; you will get the message:
This program requires Microsoft Windows.
NOTE for Windows 95/98: if you try running a Windows program from
the Windows 95/98 command prompt, the computer will simply start
Windows (if it isn’t already running) and run the program.
A word of warning for Windows users: in the Main group there is an
icon called MS-DOS Prompt. This is not the same thing as running in
DOS. It will let you run some DOS programs, such as the command
prompt or the EDIT program, but it is still running on top of
Windows. The proper way to switch from Windows to DOS is to close
or exit all of your Windows programs, including Program Manager.
Windows 95/98
One way to switch the computer from Windows to DOS mode is to click
on the Start menu, then Shut Down, then choose “Restart the
computer in MS-DOS mode”. Doing this will close all Windows
programs and (mostly) remove Windows itself from memory.
Another way is to adjust the properties of a DOS program.
Right-click on your program (or its shortcut), select Properties,
open the Program tab, and click on the Advanced button. In the
Advanced Program Settings you can set the program to run in MS-DOS
mode, and even specify a starting configuration just for that
MS DOS is in Windows. When you go to shut down, it has a choice.
shut down in MS DOS mode.
Basically, both are operatong systems. MS DOS is the oldest OS from
Microsoft. It is a single user command line operating system. While
Windows (latest version) is multi-user and feature a user friendly
GUI(Graphical User Interface).
MS-DOS (MicroSoft Disk Operating System) is a CLI (Command-Line
Windows is a GUI (Graphical User Interface).
When working with a CLI, you begin with a blank screen and a
command prompt. At the command prompt, you type commands, one at a
time, for the computer to process. (i.e. “MKDIR C:\MYDIR” to create
a directory called “MYDIR” in the root folder of the C drive) Any
programs (text editing, database, etc) are run from the command
prompt by directing the computer to the location of the program,
and typing the execution command.
Example (Text in italics are commands, other text is command
At this point, PONG would take up the entire screen, leaving you
unable to do anything but play the game until you exit the game.
After you exit the game, you would be brought back to the prompt:
On the other hand, a GUI offers much more flexibility by using
icons and windows to represent objects and programs. With Windows,
you can open several different documents or programs, and easily
switch between them. Also, there is the Start Menu, from which you
can launch program shortcuts instead of having to wade through the
entire file directory to execute your choice of program.
The interrelation is that Windows was originally a program ran to
top of DOS. In order to use Windows, you used to need a line in
your AUTOEXEC.BAT (a script file that automatically executed on DOS
startup) that pointed to the Windows program. Windows versions 3.x
– 9x and Me still run on top of DOS. What this means is that those
versions of Windows aren’t really Operating Systems, because they
rely on DOS to process all the programs. All those versions of
Windows do is make the programs easier to get to and switch
between. Windows NT versions, and the Windows XP/2K line are built
on their own system kernel so they are considered true Operating
Systems on their own.
DOS was an older version by Microsoft which was entirely text and
command based. Windows has a GUI (Graphical User Interface) which
means you can use a mouse, view pictures, have icons, etc. If
you’ve ever seen something like ”'”c:\>_””’ in white text on a
black background, chances are that that was DOS or a version of it.
On Windows XP, you can get a version of it by pressing Start ->
All Progs -> Accessories -> Command Prompt. This is an
updated version of the original DOS which would run in fullscreen
and be the only thing on the computer. You can get started by
typing ”HELP ” to see a list of commands. For info on a
particular command type ” /?” .
- DOS does not supports GUI, Windows supports.
- DOS does not supports networking, Windows Supports.
- DOS is a single user OS, Windows is a multi-user OS.
- DOS is a single tasking OS, Windows is a multi tasking OS.
- DOS does not supports threading, Windows Supports.
- DOS supports maximum 2 GB of partition, Windows supports 2 TB
or more. - DOS supports FAT 16 file system only, Windows supports FAT 32
and NTFS. - There is no server support in DOS, Windows has.
- DOS is not as stable as Windows.