What type of government is an example of constitutional monarchy?
Constitutional monarchy is the type of government found in? united kingdom,bhutan,behrain,sweden
Constitutional monarchy is the type of government found in? united kingdom,bhutan,behrain,sweden
What is paper money issued by the government called? Fiat money. This is money that has no tangible value. An alternative is gold, which in itself has tangible value.
Who is below the chancellor of the exchequer? Below the Chancellor of the Exchequer are, usually, four junior ministers, and several civil servants
Can the British Royal Family be arrested? her, prisoners are detained under her pleasure. If another member of the royal family was arrested, she can’t
How many US Senators does Kentucky have? population sizes. Thus, Kentucky has two Republican senators in the 112 th Congress, Mitch McConnell
Who has the right of way at a two–way stop? The right of way belongs to the person turning right first, going straight through second
How does the government spend tax money? The National government spends taxpayer’s money on the war, repairing roads and bridges
How much foreign aid will US give Mexico in 2009? Less than 15 million dollars as part of the USAID initiative. Updated for actual numbers after year end: It turned out to be $430,920,608 according to USAID.
Japan’s recent economic problems are a result from? Some say it started with 1985 Plaza Accord.
What does a national government do? tries to help business to succed, even though some are having economic problems
What are the 3 different levels of government? I’m assuming you mean branches….it’s the executive branch, judicial branch, and legislative branch. (white house, senate, house)
How many branches are in the national government? three: executive,judiviary,and legeslative.
What Are the 3 types of Government in Canada? the Government of Canada, or the federal government the Government of Ontario, or the provincial
Government in which citizens have ruling power? If a monarch or a dictator is a citizen of his or her own country, then the answer is: all forms
What is the difference between England and Britain? England is a country, and Britain is a group of countries, England, Wales, Scotland and northern
How much does a criminal psychologist make? 54,000 to 90,000 depending on expirence and your degree
How does global economy affect us? is that we have to try to save as much as possible it can also affect us in other things like global warming cause
How is power divided in a federal government? ). The US federal government It is divided into 3 different branches: the Legislative, Executive
How is UK’s government similar to US government? Your question should be the other way round. US law and politics are all based on the British system but adapted for American use by the Constitution. Prior to 1776, British laws prevailed in USA.
What are the services that government provides to people? They provide Social Security, Food, Shelter, hospitals etc. The main are Security, Order, Taxes
John milton’s work which speaks of the peoples‘ right to select and remove rulers is titled? John Milton’s work that speaks of the peoples’ right to select and remove rulers is titled
Why did American colonist protest British taxes? The American colonists were British citizens, but they were denied the right
What is the name of Dublin’s lord mayor? From June 2009 to June 2010 it is Emer Costello.
Does Russia UK and Germany government have anything in common? Yes, comrade, many many things in common, like turnip and space craft man walking. We are very good
What are some benefits of assisted living communities? There are many benefits of assisted living communities, with the most important being
How did the government deal with dissent during and after ww1? The same way they always do, they threaten dissenters with prison or death.
What bills do you pay when you rent a house? gas, electric. water, cable, garbage, phone,
What form of government does Great Britain have? or queen is the head of state, and a prime minister is the head of government. The people vote in elections
What is the structure of government in a constitutional monarchy? I can only answer for the UK, but here there is a Head of State, the monarch, who is,at the moment Queen Elizabeth II. The monarchy is hereditary and her eldest son will follow her. If he dies, it wil
Who is the executive of England’s parliamentary government? the Prime Minister
What are the groups invloved in Ireland religious conflict? . If you are refering to The Troubles when you say “Ireland religious conflict”, that was not a religious conflict
Is a Conservative party a type of party or a certain specific party? In the UK, the Conservative party is the main party at the moment, although Conservative
Another name for the United Kingdom? The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland , UK or Britain
How much does the government spend on enforcing laws including prisons? 37 billion dollars on prisons alone.
Who was the prime minister of Britain during the twenties? 1720’s, 1820’s, 1920’s or 2020’s? See related questions or reask your question.
How is Britain governed? By the Prime Minister.
Was Hitler a prime minister for Britain? No, he was the Chancellor of Germany.
Who became the prime minister of Austria in 1938? Kurt Schuschnigg (July 29, 1934 – March 11, 1938 ) Arthur Seyss-Inquart (March 11, 1938 – May
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