How did mayans influence us?
What influences has the Hispanic culture had in the US? Some states and cities have Spanish names like Nevada, Las Vegas, San Antonio, Colorado, etc. They also brought their foods into our culture.
What influences has the Hispanic culture had in the US? Some states and cities have Spanish names like Nevada, Las Vegas, San Antonio, Colorado, etc. They also brought their foods into our culture.
What teeth are your permanent anterior teeth? The same ones as the primary anterior teeth: Canine, lateral incisor, central incisor.
Why do the Mayans think the world is going to end in 2012? That’s a comon misconseption. They don’t belive the world is going to end in 2012, its just
How do you write files to CD so they are not read only? That is impossible on a CD-R. Once written to, files on the CD-R cannot be modified. You should be able to modify them on a CD-RW, but this requires support from the operating system for CD-RW drives.
What are uses of plans? Plans help to do your work in an organized manner,reduce confusion,become prepared,ready………….
Why did Mayans die out? They poisoned their own water supply by accident. When they sacrificed people, they cut their heads off and threw them into a pool, which became their drinking water. Smart right?
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